Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Why, Why, Why ?

I went to the mall the other day to buy something to wear for an upcoming party. My husband and I decided to get some lunch at the food court before I went on my hunt for an outfit. Just as I'm preparing to take my first bite of my slice of cheese pizza, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Curiosity got the best of me and I made a decision that I regret to this day. I turned around to look. And I got an eyeful. I saw a young girl wearing what for some reason has become a fashion statement. Jeans that were so low it's amazing that they didn't just fall off. And if that weren't bad enough, she decided to accessorize these horrific jeans with a huge roll of fat hanging over the waist band. I assume this may be what actually kept the jeans from dropping to the ground. But wait! There's more. She was wearing a belly shirt and of course a hideous tatoo poking it's ugly head out from the bottom of the shirt that must have shrunk in the wash. I saw her walking toward her table of friends and I knew the worst was yet to come. She set her tray down, made a feeble attempt to lift her pants up over the fat roll (but to no avail) and then she proceeded to sit down. I know I should have looked away but it was like a car accident. You don't want to look but something compels you. And you can't look away even if you tried. The pants never had a chance. They wanted to stay put, but the fat roll won. The pants rolled down to reveal a vile picture. A young girl who could very easily grow up to be a plumber. She was already part of the way there with her fat ass hanging out. I wanted to throw up. And I was really pissed off. Why do I have to be subjected to this disgusting sight. Why don't people give a damn when they leave the house. And her friends should have really intervened. Or better yet, her parents. Where were they when she left the house. I know I'm not a teenager anymore, but this has got to stop. These kids look like prostitutes and their parents don't seem to care. After I voiced my very strong opinion to my husband, I was tempted to go over to her, tap her on the shoulder and say something. My husband's worldly advice to her would have been "Just say no to crack."