Monday, May 16, 2005

Put your kids first!

Why is it that parents seem to be more selfish now than ever. If you have kids, why wouldn't you want to give them every opportunity to thrive? I was driving home from work the other day and I stopped at a red light. I had the unbelievable misfortune of stopping next to a woman with a man in the passenger seat. Perhaps it was her husband but more than likely, just a boyfriend. She had two kids in the backseat. So far, nothing seems out of place. She proceeds, along with her passenger, to light up a cigarette. Meanwhile, all of the car windows are rolled up.

I was in the car with my mom and I wanted to put my car in park, get out and go over to this moron's car and grab her by the neck and knock some sense into her. My mom tried to explain to me that not everyone is that smart. You have to seriously be dead not to know that smoking in the car with the windows rolled up is not good for your kid. Not to mention the person smoking. How could a person be so selfish? Especially a mother. To put her own selfish desire to smoke before the health and well being of her kid is something I will never be able to understand. Children don't ask to be brought into this world. Once they get here, they deserve every opportunity to thrive physically and emotionally.

If parents would just put their kids first, the world would be in much better shape than it is today. If parents would just put their kids first, we might not be caught in the middle of the downfall of society.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005


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